Kill the clutter out of you inbox
Easily filter out all the distracting semi-spam the Google SPAM filters miss, so you only see the emails in your inbox from the contacts you know.
Save days of time each year
Each second you spend reading unwanted emails adds up, saving just 5 minutes each day adds up to almost 3 working days worth of time over a year!
Inbox Zen
Don't just save time, save your headspace too! Every time you have to process an unwanted email is time not spent on doing your actual job!
Absolutely no AI!
Automalabel is AI free! Meaning you get the right labels 100% of the time AND none or your data is ever sent or used to train machines!
What are customer's say
"Why doesn't Gmail have this feature inbuilt. It's SO useful."
"Never going back. I check emails in my Known contacts label regularly and then all the rest once a day."
"I get to inbox zero in minutes each morning now."
How do I turn it off?
Log in and press pause labelling or delete account.
What are you doing with all that data access?
We don't sell any of your data and we don't store or process any of your data unless it's needed for the functioning of the application. We use the narrowest scopes possible to run the application.
How does it work?
We watch your inbox for any new messages, get the sender's email and compare it to your saved contacts emails, then we chuck all that info away. We repeat that process each time you get an email, so no other emails apart from yours are ever stored in the DB.
How does it know who my known contacts are?
Automalabel reads all the contact emails from your contacts and other contacts. You choose who you save to your contacts and Google automatically saves an email to your other contacts if you've interacted with them. If someone is being picked up as a known contact and you don't want them to, clear their email out of your contacts and other contacts.